Brand Philosophy
Unveiled in 2023, Phamily® is Phabuilder's ambitious new endeavor. We leverage our extensive PHA expertise and a rich archive of materials. Our goal is to establish the most comprehensive and innovative biodegradable PHA material development hub globally.
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Regarding the technical sources of PHAmily

George Guo-Qiang CHEN

Founder & Chief Scientist

1981-1985 B.Sc., South China University of Technology, China
1985-1989 Ph.D., Graz University of Technology, Austria
1990-1994 Postdoc, University of Nottingham (UK) and University of Alberta (Canada)
1997-Present Professor, Tsinghua University
2003-2009 Served as the director of the Multidisciplinary Research Center of Shantou University
Professor Guoqiang Chen has been focusing his research on biosynthetic PHA and the next generation industrial biotechnology for all long.
More than 350 papers related to microbial technology and biomaterials have been published in the international academic journals such as Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Science, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Nucleic Acids Research, Nature Communications, Trends in Biotechnology, Biomaterials, Metabolic Engineering and Current Opinions in Biotechnology. 
His papers on Web of Sciences have been cited more than 22,000 times(H-index 72) [Google Scholar cited more than 60,000 times, H-index 100].

National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers, 2016
Hou Debang Chemical Science and Technology Award-Innovation Award, 2015
1st Min Enze Energy and Chemical Outstanding Contribution Award, 2013
Tan Jiazhen Life Science Innovation Award, 2011
Cheungkong Scholar, Ministry of Education, 2004
University Youth Teacher Award, Ministry of Education, 2004
8th Young Chinese Scientific Achievement Award, 2004
Silver award, Internationale Ausstellung, Ideen, Erfindungen und Neuheiten, Nürnberg, Germany, 2003
Mao Yisheng Science and Technology Award,2003
Winner of National Science Foundation for distinguished young scholars, 2002
2nd Class China National Invention Award, 2002
Chief scientist of the 973 Program synthetic biology and National Science and Technology Major Project
Director of the Center for Synthesis and Systems Biology at Tsinghua University
Adjunct Professor at The University of Manchester
Good Teacher and Friend to Graduate Students of Tsinghua University,2001-2006
Mei Yiqi Award, Tsinghua University, 2007-2010
Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers for 7 years

Academic Services:
He served as the deputy editor of the following international and domestic academic journals: Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, Synthetic Biology Journal, Journal of Biotechnology, Microbial Cell Factories, Biotechnology Journal, Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology.
Editorial board member of Trends in Biotechnology, Current Opinions in Biotechnology, Metabolic Engineering, ACS Synthetic Biology, Microbial Biotechnology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Biomaterials, Biomacromolecules, Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology, Advanced Biosystems, Synthetic Biology, Metabolic Engineering Communications.
Next Generation Industrial Biotechnology

Next Generation Industrial Biotechnology

Can we develop new biomanufacturing technologies to reduce the dependence on the chemical industry?

The answer is yes!

Using the "Next Generation Industrial Biotechnology" system accumulated and successfully developed by Tsinghua University in the past 30 years, PhaBuilder’s technical team has carried out series transformations on the basis of the halophilic bacteria- originally found in Ayding Lake, Xinjiang/China, to make it more suitable for industrial mass production.
Since then, the technical team of Tsinghua University and PhaBuilder have continued to focus on the development of bacterial strains.
Since 2018, the bacterial strains have been iterated to 20 generations. Now PhaBuilder can use a new metabolic pathway to produce PHB, P34HB, P34HBHV, PHBHHx, PHB5HV, P3HP3HB and other products.
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PHA Product Manufacturing Process
Decades of Innovation: Phabuilder has harnessed three decades of innovation in PHA bioengineering. This long-term experience underpins our expertise. Bacteria Transformation: We have transformed Halomonas bacteria from Aydingkol Lake. These bacteria are now custom-crafted powerhouses for production. Unique Strains for Variety: Our unique bacterial strains deliver an unparalleled variety of PHA types and families. This variety caters to diverse needs in the market. Engineered Efficiency: This engineered transformation significantly boosts bio-fermentation efficiency. It also enhances the process of product extraction. Cost Reduction: As a result of these innovations, there's a substantial reduction in production costs. This makes our process economically advantageous.
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Your Concerns, Our Priority
We are fully committed to addressing the global call for green and low-carbon development.
Our contribution to sustainability is through the use of biodegradable material PHA.
We assist global scientific research enthusiasts in exploring the mysteries of PHA.
Our aim is to promote the transition of PHA scientific research from theory to practice.
We are dedicated to fully exploring the application value of PHA in new materials.
Collaborating with global customers, we strive to advance the innovation of new material technologies.
Insights on PHA: A Closer Look
"PHAs can be produced from renewable carbon resources and be completely biodegraded to CO2 and H2O, so PHAs have come under investigation as potential alternatives to petrochemical plastics."
—— Yoshiharu Doi.
Professor, RIKEN Institute, Japan.
"Due to the facts that PHAs are nontoxic and water-insoluble thermoplastic polymers, a high commercial potential arose from their possible applications in industry, medicine, pharmacy, and agriculture."
—— Alexander Steinbüchel.
Professor, Universität Münster, Germany.
"When PHAs are discarded in the environment, they will be completely biodegraded. However, it is interesting to note that PHAs might also be used as a supplementary carbon source for some animals beyond microorganisms."
—— Sang Yup Lee.
Professor, KAIST, Korea.
Application of PHA Materials

Medical Engineering


Quality of life

Non toxic toys

3D printing